Print a Dirichlet process object. This will print some basic information about the dirichletprocess object.

# S3 method for dirichletprocess
print(x, param_summary = FALSE, digits = 2,



Dirichlet Process Object to print.


If TRUE, print the overall averages of each parameter of the model. Note that this averages over all clusters and over all iterations, so it will only give a loose sense of the resulting DPM model.


Integer; Number of digits to display.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


dp <- Fit(DirichletProcessGaussian(rnorm(10)), 100) dp
#> Dirichlet process object run for 100 iterations. #> #> Mixing distribution normal #> Base measure parameters 0, 1, 1, 1 #> Alpha Prior parameters 2, 4 #> Conjugacy conjugate #> Sample size 10 #> #> Mean number of clusters 3.65 #> Median alpha 0.70 #>