Importance Sampling, Reinforcement Learning and Getting More From The Data You Have
Alpha Capture and Acquired
Solving the Almgren Chris Model
Currency Hedging and Principal Component Analysis
Calibrating an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Process
Cross Asset Skew - A Trading Strategy
Exploring Causal Regularisation
Free Finance Data Sets for the Quants
Easy Reinforcement Learning - The Multi Armed Bandit
Modelling Soccer Goals as a Point Process
Stat Arb - An Easy Walkthrough
A Quants Approach to Running
Predicting a Successful Mt Everest Climb
More Extreme Moves in a Downtrending Market?
Advent of Code 2022 in q
Trend Following with ETFs
Golf and Online Linear Regression
Taking Github Copilot for a Spin
Optimising FPL with Julia and JuMP
Machine Learning Property Loans for Fun and Profit
Dipping My Toes into ETF Correlations
Modelling Microstructure Noise Using Hawkes Processes
How to Calculate Realised Volatility
AlpacaMarkets.jl - Free Equity Data
Predicting Goals Using the Winning Odds
Order Flow Imbalance - A High Frequency Trading Signal
Fitting Mixed Effects Models - Python, Julia or R?
Economic Indicators from AlphaVantage
Optimising a Taskmaster Task with Python
Fixture Difficulty and Fantasy Premier League Point Predictions
How Tough is that Football Match?
QuestDB Part 2 - High Frequency Finance (again!)
Using QuestDB to Build a Crypto Trade Database in Julia
Getting Started with High Frequency Finance using Crypto Data and Julia
Double Machine Learning - An Easy Introduction
Accidentally Quadratic with DataFrames in Julia
Crypto Data using AlphaVantatge.jl
Does a Terror Attack Lead to More Terror Attacks?
Adding Football Crests to Scatter Plots in R
Expected Goals - Overachieving or just lucky? An Update
Fundamental Stock Data from AlphaVantage.jl
Converting an Edward Tutorial (Python) to Flux (Julia)
Proper Bayesian Estimation of a Point Process in Julia
Palmer Penguins and an Introduction to Dirichlet Processes
Expected Goals - Overachieving or just lucky?
Hawkes Processes and DIC
AlphaVantage.jl - Getting Market Data into Julia
State of the Market - Infinite State Hidden Markov Models
An Introduction to Hawkes Processes with HawkesProcesses.jl
Notes from R-Finance 2019
Dirichlet Process Convergence
Turing.jl Performance Updates
Natwest Markets Quant Conference
The Nelson Siegel Model and P2P Bonds
Conjugate Stan Models and Hierarchy
Hidden Markov Models using a Dirichlet Process
Benchmarking maps, loops, generators and broadcasting in Julia
Speed differences between a map and a loop in Julia
Which Turing.jl Sampler is the Fastest?
Goodreads Analysis
A Football Auto-encoder
Non Parametric Priors with Dirichlet Processes
Ratesetter Yield Curve
Calibrating Odds
Dirichlet Process Cluster Probabilities
A Hierarchical Model for Yellow Cards
Exploring the Isle of Man TT
Clustering with Dirichlet Processes
Bayes Comp 2018
New Applications of Bradley Terry Models
Point Process Estimation with dirichletprocess
Custom Mixtures with the dirichletprocess R package
Extreme Values and the VIX
Density Estimation with the dirichletprocesss R package
Deviance Information Criteria
Referee Tracking Data and Machine Learning
Julia Code for Sampling an AR(1) model
Bayesian Autoregressive Processes
Mark Clattenburg
An Introduction to Julia and Distributions
Mike Dean and the Ref Radar
Introducing the Referee Radar
The Data Dialogue - At War with Data
Notes from a Quantcast Talk
Thoughts on Weights in Bayesian Regression
Kelly Betting - Part Two
Kelly Betting - Part One
Dissertation Construction Learnings
Posterior p-values
Bulk Downloading from Turnitin using Python.
Films I've Watched In January 2016
The First Workshop
Prop Shop Interviews
Playing About with Shiny
Playing About with ggplot
That First Blog Post
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